Dedicated To Your Health Since 2010
Niles Charter Township

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Lets Do Something Healthy Together
We offer you the highest quality products for your health and well being with some fun stuff too. We offer you the highest quality supplements|vitamins and nutrition.
You will find informative articles on food and nutrition. Check them out Here.
The most powerful tool we have to be and stay healthy is nutrition. Not only does food give our body energy, it has the power to manipulate our genes. We can reduce inflammation and wipe out the free radicals that cause disease. Incorporate all the superfoods you can into your diet.
Remember also Wine has its health benefits. One glass a day for women and two a day for men, you might enjoy wines health benefits. If you prefer not to drink alcohol, the good news is that you can get the same health benefits from wine with significantly lower alcohol levels.
We all need more fruits and vegetables in our diet! Send us an e-mail and we'll show you how.
We give you some tools to know What You Eat.
Know how foods effect inflammation in your body. Inflammation can cause pain and disease.
There are many foods that lower inflammation and others that may contribute it. Some are neutral.
Discover how your favorite foods effect inflammation levels in your body.
They also have a mobile App.
This is the place where you will find the nutritional value of all most every food you eat.
They collect data from manufacturers, the FDA and restaurants.
Calories, vitamins, minerals, and a lot more are listed on this site.
Raw foods, cooked foods, processed foods, restaurant meals, with salt, without salt, and the list goes on. Just type the item you are looking for in the search bar.
This site is Calorie King. If you are counting calories this is the place for you.
They even have the Mobile App. for your phone so you're able to check items you order at restaurants, fast food establishments and meals you prepare at home. They will provide you with the tools you need to understand and improve your eating behavior with services and tools that have been used and recommended by health professionals.
Insure Good Health
Low impact exercise such as walking, Taking The Stairs or riding a bicycle will have a huge impact on our health. Great for the heart and your blood pressure. Helps maintain healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Firms and tones muscles. Gets the blood flowing. I am a firm believer in blood flow.
Drink Water
Train your mind to think about water and take a drink at every opportunity.
Visit your Doctor
I know it may be difficult with the cost of health care but we all need a physical and our blood work done once a year.
Get an Eye Exam
Many problems can be seen through your eyes, Diabetes especially.
Find out if you qualify for a free eye exam.
Visit the Dentist
Your mouth is a window to your health also. Having healthy teeth and gums is important to how you feel. Your smile is the greatest gift you can give and it’s free.
Visit Americas leading advocate for oral health. The American Dental Association
Last But the Most Important is Nutrition!
We all need more fruits and vegetables in our diet. Reduce your intake of dairy, processed sugar, and gluten. Watch the labels on foods and be alert to Saturated and Trans Fats.
The most powerful tool we have to be and stay healthy is nutrition. Not only does food give our body energy, it has the power to manipulate our genes. We can reduce inflammation and wipe out the free radicals that cause disease.